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产品名称: PL303英国tti直流稳压电源,英国tti PL303
产品型号: PL303
品牌: 1532
产品单价: 面议
日期: 2024-09-19

PL303英国tti直流稳压电源,英国tti PL303的详细资料

PL303英国tti直流稳压电源,英国tti PL303

Bench System DC Power Supply, Linear Regulation, Smart Analog Controls Single Output, 15V/, No InterfacesBench System DC Power Supply, Linear Regulation, Smart Analog Controls Single Output, 30V/3A, No Interfaces
  • Single, dual or triple output models
  • Models from 6V/8A up to 60V/1.
  • Linear regulation - for the best performance
  • Ultra-compact design - uses up less space
  • True Analogue controls - for ease of use
  • S-Lock function - instantly lock settings
  • V-Span function - customize the voltage range
  • Low current range and current meter averaging
  • DC output switches and "view limits" button
  • Selectable remote sense terminals
  • Independent, Isolated Tracking, Ratio Tracking  and True Parallel modes on dual & triple models
  • High current low voltage output on triple output model
  • RS-232, USB and LAN (Ethernet), GPIB optional (P models)
  • LAN Interface conforms with LXI standard (P models)
  • Analogue remote control of V and I (single output P models)
  • Front and rear terminals (P models)
PL303英国tti直流稳压电源,英国tti PL303
Analogue control for a digital world The PL Series is the latest high-performance linear regulated dc power supply range from TTi. It replaces the original PL series which has been the laboratory power supply of choice for many organizations across the world.

The New PL series retains the true analogue control of the original PL series, but combines it with new digitally based convenience features, higher power density, and superior performance.

Take a Tour of the Features
"It's a power supply - what more do I need to know ?" The New PL Series has some new and unique features that are well worth taking a quick look at.

PL303英国tti直流稳压电源,英国tti PL303
Advanced Bus Programmable DC Power Supplies
  • High performance linear regulated power supplies
  • Full digital remote control and readback
  • RS-232, USB and LAN (Ethernet)
  • LAN Interface conforms with LXI standard
  • Interfaces are opto-isolated from outputs
  • IVI Driver supplied
  • Analogue remote control of V and I (non-isolated)
  • Analogue outputs for easy master-slave parallel wiring
  • Ultra-compact size of quarter-rack 3U
  • High power density - up to 90 watts per output
  • Wide model range; single and dual outputs
PL303英国tti直流稳压电源,英国tti PL303
PL155-P 0 to 15V at 0 to
PL303-P 0 to 30V at 0 to 3A
PL601-P 0 to 60V at 0 to 1.
PL303QMD-P 2 x (0 to 30V at 0 to 3A)

Digital Bus Interfaces
Full remote control and read-back using RS-232, USB or LAN (LXI-C). All interfaces are at ground potential and opto-isolated from the outputs. Note: Remote/Local Sense, and Operational Mode (PL303QMD-P) are manually selectable only.
RS-232 Standard 9-pin D connector. Baud rate 19,200 max.
USB Standard USB hardware connection. Operates as a virtual COM port.
Ethernet (LAN) Standard 10/100 base-T hardware connection. ICMP and TCP/IP Protocol for connection to Local Area Network or direct connection to a single PC.
LXI Compliance LAN interface is compliant with LXI-C. (LXI is the abbreviation for LAN eXtensions for Instrumentation).
GPIB (only with option G) Conforms with IEEE-488.1 and IEEE-488.2.
Digital Programming Performance
Voltage Setting Resolution 1mV
Voltage Setting Accuracy ± (0.05% +10mV)
Current Setting Resolution 0.1mA (0.01mA on 500mA range)
Current Setting Accuracy ± (0.3% +0.00) to 3A, ± (0.5% +0.00) to 6A, ± (0.3% +0.5mA) on 500mA range.
Programming Speed
Command Delay Typically <80ms (this must be added to any of the figures below)
Voltage Up Time Typically <45ms* to 1%
Voltage Down Time Typically <20ms* to 1% (full load); typically <150ms* to 1% (no load)
* The up and down times vary with model, current range and voltage step size. More information is contained in the operating manual which can be downloaded from our web site.

(single output models only) Non-isolated analogue voltage control of voltage and current. Analogue control outputs are also provided to enable easy parallel connection of multiple units in a master-slave configuration. Note that the PL303QMD-P does not have analogue remote control.
Reference Point All control voltage are referenced to the positive output terminal
Set Voltage Input 0V to 10V sets 0 to of rated output (e.g. 0 to 30V for PL303-P). Alternative scaling of 0V to 5V (selectable using internal link).
Set Current Input 0V to 10V sets 0 to of rated output (e.g. 0 to 3A for PL303-P). Alternative scaling of 0V to 5V (selectable using internal link).
Voltage Output 0 to of rated output voltage generates 0V to 5V.
Current Output 0 to of rated output current generates 0V to 5V.
Set Voltage Input ± (0.3% +10mV); Input Impedance = 100kOhm
Set Current Input ± (0.5% +0.00); ± (0.5% +0.5mA) on 500mA range Input Impedance = 64k Ohm
Voltage Output ± (0.3% +10mV); Output Impedance = 125 Ohm
Current Output ± (0.5% +0.00); ± (0.5% +0.5mA) on 500mA range; Output Impedance = 125 Ohm
Remote Analogue On/Off Control (single output models only)
Non-isolated terminal which sets the output to Off when pulled low by gate signal or relay closure. Signal is reference to the positive output terminal Note that the PL303QMD-P does not have this facility.
Rear Terminals
Power and sense connections are duplicated on the rear panel using a screw-less connector block. Digital Bus Interfaces - RS-232, USB, LAN (LXI)
NOTE: The above specifications are additional to the Manual control specifications.

英国tti PL155直流稳压电源,PL155价格:
AC Input 230V AC or 115V AC ± 10%, 50/60Hz. Installation Category II
Input Power Single output models - 280VA max.; Dual output models - 560VA max.
Temperature & Environmental
Operating Range +5°C to +40°C, 20% to 80% RH
Storage Range -40°C to + 70°C
Environmental Indoor use at altitudes up to 2000m, Pollution Degree 2.
Cooling Intelligent variable-speed low noise fan assists convection.
Safety & EMC
Safety Complies with EN61010-1
EMC Complies with EN61326
sizes exclude feet, knobs and terminals
Single output models 107mm x 131mm (1/4 rack 3U) x 343mm,
Dual output models 214mm x 131mm (1/2 rack 3U) x 288mm
Triple output models 321mm x 131mm (3/4 rack 3U) x 288mm
Single output models 4.55kg (10lb);
Dual output models 9.05kg (19.9lb)
Triple output models 13.0kg (28.6ib)
英国tti PL155直流稳压电源,PL155价格:
IVI Driver An IVI driver for Windows is supplied. This provides support for common applications such as LabView*, LabWindows*, HPVEE* etc.
USB Driver An installation file is supplied which calls a standard Windows* USB driver.
* LabView and LabWindows are trademarks of National Instruments. HPVEE (now Agilent VEE) is a trademark of Agilent Technologies. * USB interface is supported for Windows 98-SE, 2000, XP, Vista. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft.
PL303英国tti直流稳压电源,英国tti PL303
Rack Mount (RM450) 19 inch 4U rack mount suitable for up to four single power supplies, two dual power supplies, or any mixture. Blanking plates are provided for unused positions. The 4U height provides limited ventilation space above and below the power supplies.
GPIB Interface (Option G) GPIB (IEEE-488) interface fitted in addition to other interfaces.